Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have taken a small change form Satanism, I found that it would be had to do the project because it would be hard to get involved in Satanism without doing harm future as far as becoming a pastor so instead of doing dark religions like Satanism I close to do a complete different project that I am already active in and understand a lot about. The Boy Scouts of America

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I have been looking at a lot of sites but my concern is that it is next to impossible to present a project to a panel with the topic of any religion because it had to give proof. The research is also disturbing and goes against all I know but it is interesting to say the least. I’m going to need some more ideas on how to gather and present the information.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Some of the things that I heard about the graduation project is that it is extremely hard and you must use your time wisely but if you enjoy your topic and you keep to a schedule then your project will a success. Some of my topic interests are in the field of religion, more specifically Satanism. I think it would be interesting to learn about a religion that some people fallow and it would help me better understand people. My main concern is that It could be nearly imposable to study that much into a religion to give a long presentation with physical evidence. I’m also worried about the time that I have to present, I have never put together a project that is of this length and it will be interesting to see how I do.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1. Consistent blogging to me seems like it would be an unhealthy behavior because it could stop you from interacting with people who care about you and you posting thing that some people that read your blog (if any) really care.

2. What make other people blog’s worth reading is that you can read about how someone is doing or may find out how to handle a problem with the experience of another person. It could also be interesting to see how other people live out their daily lives.

3. Fellow bloggers shouldn’t give out personal information or blog about inappropriate tings because that could make other people uncomfortable with blogging and could stop others form participating. This will make blogging safe as it is fun.