Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am slowly making progress. I have updated my work cited page and I am finishing my “did you know” questions for each foundation question. I could always use more information. So far changing my topic was a good choice. All I need to do know is find out who I’m going to interview. While I’m on my internship I will be working with the chef of operation for the Greater Pittsburgh Counsel. Maybe him or even a step higher and inter the distract executive of scouting. We always need member and this project might just be a chance to get member who are ready to take a leadership rowel for the future of the scouting movement. I don’t think it will be that hard to get the interview down ether.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today im finishing up the citation sheet that is and then I will be all caught up with my work

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Essential Question
What dose boy scouts offer for older boys around 15 to 21?

Foundation Question
1. What is Venturing?
2. What is Explorers?
3. What is APO?
4. What is Sea Scouting?
5. What do older boys think of scouting?
6. What opportunities dose scouting offer for older boys?
7. How is scouting looked upon for you future?
8. How do you know what branch of scouting is right for you?

Monday, February 2, 2009

· APO is a collage fraternity based on the same beliefs in scouting and is supported by scouting
· Venturing is for kids up to 20 years old
· Sea Scouting is for kids up to 20 years old who focus all on the sea and ship sailing.
· SPL and ASPL are held by older and more trusted scouts.
· OA membership can be held until 21 years old
· Register as an adult leader 21 and up
· NESA is offered to any scout who has got his eagle scout award no matter what age you are
· Membership for OA is reached Vigil Honor is reach at an older age Exploring helps older scouts do what they want to do for their future.
The Steelers Won the Super Bowl