Friday, March 12, 2010

Ok now I’m pushing it down to the wire. I have set some goals for me, which are probably going to change, but if I followed this chart I would be in pretty good shape for Friday next week when everything is due, other than these things I’m pretty good. I just got to push myself until the last second.

1.Finish Website
a.Ask questions about rollovers
2Possibly get teacher edit given back
a.Correction and finish

Next week
3.Get and finish Venturing application
a.Document Video
5.Possibly go to COPE
a.Document COPE
6.Wright the presentation
a.Change scheme

Friday, March 5, 2010

Today I called the Venturing Director of the grater Pittsburgh council for not only help with my action plan but also to discuss an interview for my project. If I can kill two birds with one stone that would be great. I am just about completed my website with the acceptation of one work cited page. My Literary Review had completed its first edit and now needs peer edited and then teacher edited. The only thing left to do is to start the slid show presentation and my action plan. After that it’s done!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I have finished my Literary review draft and currently updating my work cited (I let that get away from me). Also I have been working on my web site; it’s something that I’m just not good at. I can’t work Dreamweaver to save my life. I know that this web site is going to take the most time. It’s time to start time managing better! I have yet to do my proposal or get out my survey and that’s pulling me behind and I think if I were to do those two things within this week then I might be able to say that I’m in good shape.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Joe Milharcic who is a field director for the greater Pittsburgh council, and who served as my internship mentor has email me back about my proposal. I gave it to him because he doses these kinds of things on a daily basis. I’m happy to that council knows now that I intend on starting a crew. I’m thinking that with their help and skills, this crew could possibly work. There’s still spelling edits and formatting errors that need corrected but after that I intend on sending the final proposal out to administration her at City High and see where it gets me. I know it can’t be that easy. Nothing ever is!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today I finished my draft of my literary review paper. There are still things that need to be done like adding sources in it but I can do that after I get it edited again. This week I have a set of goals to get done.

1. Get my survey out
2. Get my proposal out to Dr. Wertheimer
3. Start on my second draft

If I just manage to get the first two done then I will be happy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow, talk about stressed out. This week I got to all east get my survey out and get my outline finished. I’m also scheduled to present my proposal to the school. The worst part of it all is that I’m stuck in neutral heard. I know what I got to do and what to do to get there but I don’t know how I’m going to push myself to get from point A to point B! I’m not going to be here Friday which just makes this week shorter and more stressful.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today I have completed a survey and have submitted my literary review outline for a critique. After I get those two things back I can then give out this survey to all grades here at city high (or latest that’s the plan). Also some of the questions that are on the survey can help me get more firsthand accounts of others views on scouting and to see if my action plan of starting a crew is viable. I’m working on finishing and polishing up the proposal for Dr. Wertheimer. I can see the end in sight!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have started writing a rough draft of a proposal and I intend to be finished with it tomorrow. What I want to do now is go back to my notes form my internship because that has a lot of useful information that can answer questions that I have. Also I got to find out who I’m going to interview and when. I will videotape the interview and use that video for the final presentation. Its a little bit overwhelming stressful but I can do it. I’m a Dull!