Monday, February 22, 2010

I have finished my Literary review draft and currently updating my work cited (I let that get away from me). Also I have been working on my web site; it’s something that I’m just not good at. I can’t work Dreamweaver to save my life. I know that this web site is going to take the most time. It’s time to start time managing better! I have yet to do my proposal or get out my survey and that’s pulling me behind and I think if I were to do those two things within this week then I might be able to say that I’m in good shape.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Joe Milharcic who is a field director for the greater Pittsburgh council, and who served as my internship mentor has email me back about my proposal. I gave it to him because he doses these kinds of things on a daily basis. I’m happy to that council knows now that I intend on starting a crew. I’m thinking that with their help and skills, this crew could possibly work. There’s still spelling edits and formatting errors that need corrected but after that I intend on sending the final proposal out to administration her at City High and see where it gets me. I know it can’t be that easy. Nothing ever is!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today I finished my draft of my literary review paper. There are still things that need to be done like adding sources in it but I can do that after I get it edited again. This week I have a set of goals to get done.

1. Get my survey out
2. Get my proposal out to Dr. Wertheimer
3. Start on my second draft

If I just manage to get the first two done then I will be happy.