Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today I finished the literary review. I can see why it needed done because it tells me what I already know and what I can still do to make this project better. At least the year is over. I have a meeting Friday after school with my new mentor. Again I feel that I will get a lot out of the internship with this project.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I have completed the proposal and I’m turning it in today. Know we got to start this Literature Review paper. I don’t see how we can get all of those main idea bullets finished with the amount of class time that we have left. All I know is that these are the final days of school and I’m ready for a good brake.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I have finished my rough draft of my proposal and have hit stump. I know what to do it’s just that I don’t know how to go about it. I have a lot of ideas but I don’t know how to go about perusing them I could always use more research and every day I find something new. I feel that I need to get more information form books because they seem the most reliable. I’m really happy for how far the project has already came and think that it won’t really take off until my internship where I will take my interview at and also get a better understand on how the scouts really work. I think that. I think that some research on the controversies regarding scouting might help me understand why the attendance is like that today.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I just thought of something! As of know my project is sexist. I totally forgot about the girl scouts. Looks like I have a lot more work to do then I thought. At least venturing is a co-ed program so I only got to study one more branch of scouting. The Girl Scouts

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Following in the steps of my project, I intend to join a venturing crew though my troop. I will record events with cameras and video as I go on in my scouting year. I will also be taking senior office of leadership within my troop. My essential question is “What does the program offer for boys from 13 to 20?” This has given me to a goal. The goal is to get more members in the scouts. I intend on trying to recruit new members who are around my age to the venturing crew. This will be an extremely hard task because of find a way of convincing people that the scouts are a fund a rewarding program. My goal is to get them interested. If I can show them that’s it not just camping and learning knots and helping old ladies across the street then I think that It older boys would join. There’s so much more to scouts then that. The only problem is that I don’t know how to go about getting more membership. It’s a program that requires dedication once you join because if you goal is to advance then you can never advance and if the goal is to go out on fun activities such as sports, laze tag, fishing, gun shooting, and other activitys like that then you will miss deadline within the crew.

Friday, March 20, 2009

1. My project is based with the Boy Scouts of America. More specifically I am focusing on the aspect of older boy membership. The goal is to see if older boys are still interested in scouting and if they aren’t then what the program can do to attract them. This program can help people and it gives older boys a place to hang out with friends and possibly make new friends. It may also unlock the door to something that they never thought was fun. I didn’t like camping until I joined. I hated it! Now I’m going camping this weakened. My internship will be at Flag Plaza which is the district building for the Greater Pittsburgh counsel.

2. My essential question is “What dose scouting offer to boys 13 to 20?” I think that this is a good question because it is the age group of city high students and I could possibly use City Highs students as a part of the project.

3. I have intentions of taking up the office of the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) which is the highest office of responsibility that a older scout can have. I have also been deliberating on joining a venturing crew which is an older boy scouting program. I also could possibly start my own troop or crew but I think that’s too much to start on my own.

4. The only materials I would need to be SPL are leadership training. To be a Ventured I will have to get the uniform and handbook and papers to join the crew. Starting my own troop would take time and a lot of paperwork and a lot of training but it would be a great project.

5. Ways that I can present the project are doing the classic slide show and present the opportunities. My goal is to get the plain involved. I hope to ask them questions and get their opinions on scouting. This will make me feel at ease and it will get their attention. I could also present the process of how to advance in scouting or what we do for older boys. Possibly show video of what we do at camping trips and other events and to interview people at my internship and collect information on what city high students think about scouting.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I got more notes done today and I looked at some sites that I hope will help me make a survey. All-in-all I’m doing well. I still need to come up with a timeline and a questioner. I need some help with that.
I can make a quiz on a website and find a way to post it on my blog so people can take the test to see what branch of scouting is good for them. I might also be able to use edline for people’s opinions on what they think of scouting are. Just like when Mr. Oliver asks us to respond to his post. Think that these would be the best ways to get the answers for the questions. The problem is that the likes for the quiz maker websites are all blocked. I will find a way around it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I’m known in the process of think of how to answer my question “what do older boys think of scouting?” I have some ideas. What about taking a survey of students at city high forms each grade level. I also need the question “what branch of scouting is right for you?” What about the tests on the internet like “what political party are you?” and things like that. This could give me a clear cut winner over what branches would be interesting to peruse or even to start organizes a branch near me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Im trying to see if my questions make since with my project and if it is possible to come up with an interview. I also got to think about my action plan for my graduation project. Like I said during my presentation I might get into a Venturing crew or Sea Scout ship or I might try to start my one myself. This is impractical. I have been nominated within my troop for SPL and that could pertain to the topic. I could record all the events that I am apart of while I’m a SPL. I will also try to get interviews form students just to see what the school population thinks of the BSA. This would give me answers to questions. All in all I think that this project is coming along nicely.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am slowly making progress. I have updated my work cited page and I am finishing my “did you know” questions for each foundation question. I could always use more information. So far changing my topic was a good choice. All I need to do know is find out who I’m going to interview. While I’m on my internship I will be working with the chef of operation for the Greater Pittsburgh Counsel. Maybe him or even a step higher and inter the distract executive of scouting. We always need member and this project might just be a chance to get member who are ready to take a leadership rowel for the future of the scouting movement. I don’t think it will be that hard to get the interview down ether.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today im finishing up the citation sheet that is and then I will be all caught up with my work

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Essential Question
What dose boy scouts offer for older boys around 15 to 21?

Foundation Question
1. What is Venturing?
2. What is Explorers?
3. What is APO?
4. What is Sea Scouting?
5. What do older boys think of scouting?
6. What opportunities dose scouting offer for older boys?
7. How is scouting looked upon for you future?
8. How do you know what branch of scouting is right for you?

Monday, February 2, 2009

· APO is a collage fraternity based on the same beliefs in scouting and is supported by scouting
· Venturing is for kids up to 20 years old
· Sea Scouting is for kids up to 20 years old who focus all on the sea and ship sailing.
· SPL and ASPL are held by older and more trusted scouts.
· OA membership can be held until 21 years old
· Register as an adult leader 21 and up
· NESA is offered to any scout who has got his eagle scout award no matter what age you are
· Membership for OA is reached Vigil Honor is reach at an older age Exploring helps older scouts do what they want to do for their future.
The Steelers Won the Super Bowl

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have taken a small change form Satanism, I found that it would be had to do the project because it would be hard to get involved in Satanism without doing harm future as far as becoming a pastor so instead of doing dark religions like Satanism I close to do a complete different project that I am already active in and understand a lot about. The Boy Scouts of America

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I have been looking at a lot of sites but my concern is that it is next to impossible to present a project to a panel with the topic of any religion because it had to give proof. The research is also disturbing and goes against all I know but it is interesting to say the least. I’m going to need some more ideas on how to gather and present the information.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Some of the things that I heard about the graduation project is that it is extremely hard and you must use your time wisely but if you enjoy your topic and you keep to a schedule then your project will a success. Some of my topic interests are in the field of religion, more specifically Satanism. I think it would be interesting to learn about a religion that some people fallow and it would help me better understand people. My main concern is that It could be nearly imposable to study that much into a religion to give a long presentation with physical evidence. I’m also worried about the time that I have to present, I have never put together a project that is of this length and it will be interesting to see how I do.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1. Consistent blogging to me seems like it would be an unhealthy behavior because it could stop you from interacting with people who care about you and you posting thing that some people that read your blog (if any) really care.

2. What make other people blog’s worth reading is that you can read about how someone is doing or may find out how to handle a problem with the experience of another person. It could also be interesting to see how other people live out their daily lives.

3. Fellow bloggers shouldn’t give out personal information or blog about inappropriate tings because that could make other people uncomfortable with blogging and could stop others form participating. This will make blogging safe as it is fun.