Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Following in the steps of my project, I intend to join a venturing crew though my troop. I will record events with cameras and video as I go on in my scouting year. I will also be taking senior office of leadership within my troop. My essential question is “What does the program offer for boys from 13 to 20?” This has given me to a goal. The goal is to get more members in the scouts. I intend on trying to recruit new members who are around my age to the venturing crew. This will be an extremely hard task because of find a way of convincing people that the scouts are a fund a rewarding program. My goal is to get them interested. If I can show them that’s it not just camping and learning knots and helping old ladies across the street then I think that It older boys would join. There’s so much more to scouts then that. The only problem is that I don’t know how to go about getting more membership. It’s a program that requires dedication once you join because if you goal is to advance then you can never advance and if the goal is to go out on fun activities such as sports, laze tag, fishing, gun shooting, and other activitys like that then you will miss deadline within the crew.

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