Friday, March 20, 2009

1. My project is based with the Boy Scouts of America. More specifically I am focusing on the aspect of older boy membership. The goal is to see if older boys are still interested in scouting and if they aren’t then what the program can do to attract them. This program can help people and it gives older boys a place to hang out with friends and possibly make new friends. It may also unlock the door to something that they never thought was fun. I didn’t like camping until I joined. I hated it! Now I’m going camping this weakened. My internship will be at Flag Plaza which is the district building for the Greater Pittsburgh counsel.

2. My essential question is “What dose scouting offer to boys 13 to 20?” I think that this is a good question because it is the age group of city high students and I could possibly use City Highs students as a part of the project.

3. I have intentions of taking up the office of the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) which is the highest office of responsibility that a older scout can have. I have also been deliberating on joining a venturing crew which is an older boy scouting program. I also could possibly start my own troop or crew but I think that’s too much to start on my own.

4. The only materials I would need to be SPL are leadership training. To be a Ventured I will have to get the uniform and handbook and papers to join the crew. Starting my own troop would take time and a lot of paperwork and a lot of training but it would be a great project.

5. Ways that I can present the project are doing the classic slide show and present the opportunities. My goal is to get the plain involved. I hope to ask them questions and get their opinions on scouting. This will make me feel at ease and it will get their attention. I could also present the process of how to advance in scouting or what we do for older boys. Possibly show video of what we do at camping trips and other events and to interview people at my internship and collect information on what city high students think about scouting.

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